For the past few years the success of a company has largely dependent on how well they are able to secure their devices and the data within them. To keep company data away from the reach of competitors and other harmful entities is a very difficult job. you have to take the utmost care to make sure that your data and your hardware is safe and secure. In this article we will be discussing some of the ways in which you can safeguard your data.
Things You Should Be Doing to Protect Your Business
Investing on the team
Whatever may be the tools that we use for the protection of company security, those precautions will be only as effective as your whole team is. If any single person of your team commits a mistake, it can leave your whole business vulnerable to intrusions and that’s the reason why you should make sure that your team understands different levels of computer safety.
Make sure that your company has a password policy, ensuring that every person in your team doesn’t have a password that is too easy to guess or something that it’s not easily found by others due to acts of negligence like leaving it written down somewhere.
Make sure that your that the members of your team are aware of dangers of internet and the sites that they use while using business hardware. They’ve to ensure that the hardware and data isn’t exposed to any threats of any nature. Regular training on these different topics would help them stay up to date on these matters.
Network security
Let’s agree that we will train the team and they won’t expose the network to any danger, the next logical step in the process of securing the company’s assets would be to give the network, protection from a wide variety of cyber threats.
A majority of these cyber threats will be in the form of malwares. Malwares are some of the most dangerous pieces of software, that can access, change, share and even delete data that it shouldn’t have access to n the first place.
As they exist in a system, they’ll continue to eat up both the network’s bandwidth and as well as the computing power of any infected device.
The best way to protect us from these would be to have firewall and anti virus programs installed in every single device in the office as possible without omitting any in any case..
Keeping the hackers out
Firewalls and anti virus programs are not the ultimatum to keeping your systems out of the reach of hackers. If a hacker finds a real incentive, they’ll work hard to find the means and access to find those vulnerabilities in the systems that would provide them unlimited access or expose partial data.
So, it becomes crucial to encrypt your most essential data so that in the off chance that they do get access to it, they won’t be able to do as much damage as they potentially could have inflicted. Another precautionary step that you can make is that to make your network really hard to crack that most hackers would give up soon.this can be achieved by seeking help from ethical hackers.
Ethical hackers would seek and find and then exploit the vulnerabilities present in your company network. Once they do, they’ll report about these vulnerabilities back to your IT team, enabling them to fix it up those and then proceed to make your network as safe and secure as it can potentially be.
Backup solutions
Encrypting your business’s data is important, but as important as that would be backing it up. Most people prefer to have the cloud as their destination for online backups. But with that there is impending danger as well. Making the Cloud as a home for your company data is a critical decision you’ve to make.
For one, consumers have no way to know how well protected any data on the Cloud is, as it is revealed due to hacks every now and then. So perhaps when it comes to the cloud the most sensitive of the stuff could be avoided from storing there.
Contrary to popular opinion, Cloud services aren’t always online, they can go down, too. Very recently, we saw Amazon’s S3 cloud service go down. It didn’t last for a long period, but it did make huge discomforts to all a huge array of businesses and sites all around the world. You need create diversity in your backup options. The Cloud can be one among the number of tools that will help you in backing up data, but it shouldn’t be the only backup solution that you rely on.
Software supply issues
After securing your devices and your company data, the next thing to focus would be the software that your business uses. If you are using software from big names like microsoft or apple,they are less likely to offer you major problems. But if you are based in an industry that have a need for custom software and if due to some reason, the company that is providing that software is no longer be able to continue providing their services then during those times, you would have to consider other alternative softwares or potential safety measures like source code escrow.
Software escrows are third party vendors that enable software vendors to share their software source code with your business if they are not able to provide support to their own software due to unforeseen circumstances like bankruptcy. That source code of the software will enable your IT team, or an outsourced teams to keep updating and fixing bugs and improving the software as necessary.
Keeping software and hardware Up-to-date
Of all the steps mentioned above the most important one would be to keep the software up to date.Not only the software but also the hardware so that the business productivity and security isn’t compromised. The environment in which they are kept Should also be properly maintained.
Many businesses overlook this and later wonder what went wrong. A business have to establish a through maintenance strategy, this would include maintaining indoor air quality as well.
A dedicated IT team should make sure that the computers are devoid of excess and use less data and that they are up to date with the latest drivers and softwares. Stuff like temporary files would unnecessarily slow down your computer devices and affect user productivity. most of the times a lot of security bugs would be fixed through these updates. these updates also improve the performance of the devices. Failing so would sometime lead to loss of data and damage to devices.
I hope that this article helped you in establishing some of the best practices in safeguarding your business. If you have any trouble understanding the ideas and processes explained in this article please let us know through the comments and we will be happy to help you out. If your business practices any other technique we haven’t mentioned here, let us know and we’ll feature it soon. 🙂