Although essay writing may seem to be an easy task to do, in fact, it is not always so. What is more, there are specific rules and requirements associated with this particular assignment. So what to pay attention to while writing a proper report? How to get that A-grade?
Tips for Writing a Better Expert Report
When working on it, it is important to pay attention to its structure and elements. A good report just like any other type of essay consists of three main parts: an introduction with a thesis statement, body, and conclusion. Each part is to be consistent and have a logical connection with other elements.
Introduction. Here you need to introduce the topic or problem, provide some background information, and reflect on different points of view related to the theme. What is more, there should be a thesis statement, which introduces the main points of the paper.
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The Main Passage
Here you should not only write about the opposite points of view on the issue, but also explain why you actually disagree with some of them. Do not forget about some of the main points stated in a thesis statement.
Here, you are to summarize all of the above, repeat all the main points discussed in the body of the paper and restate a thesis statement in other words. Besides, in the concluding paragraph, you can once again note the relevance of the problem, possible solutions, and the importance of considering different points of view.
Expert Tips
1. Before starting to write an essay or report, think on the purpose of the paper, a thesis statement, and main points that will be helpful in proving the main idea you are stating.
2. If it is proven that over 30% of the work is copied from a published source, you will have some problems. So try to completely rewrite material or learn how to cite sources properly in your report.
3. When checking a draft, investigate the following:
- Does the structure of your report contribute towards the purpose of the whole paper?
- Does your thesis statement introduce all the main points?
- Are there any word usage issues and punctuation mistakes?
4. Since the style of the paper should be a formal, avoid personalized abbreviations (I’m, they’ve, etc.), exclamation marks, or a direct appeal to the readers.
Of course, writing a report is not a rocket science; however, if you follow some useful tips, it can make this process easier and more effective. Again, if this kind of work is a nightmare for you, you can always buy a ready-made paper online. ๐