Technology has become such a massive part of our lives, and we sometimes forget it’s a feeding ground for injustice. Cybercrime can be identity theft, hacking, cyberbullying, child predators, and more.
What If You’ve Been a Victim of Cybercrime?
When you find yourself a sufferer of this crime, it can seem like the end of the world. You start to wonder, “why did this happen to me,” or, “I thought I was being safe.” However, this can happen to anyone as hackers and cybercriminals are professional at what they do.
We understand this is a stressful time for you and your family. We’re going to go over what you should do if you’re a victim of cybercrime.
1] Contact a Law Attorney
When you’re a casualty of online crime, “you will need the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney who knows the court processes,” states Thomas C. Grajek, Attorney At Law.
They’ll be able to assist you in getting your identity back and finding justice. An attorney knows the correct people to contact to help figure out who did this to you, what your rights are, and how to proceed with charges.
2] Keep All Evidence
To help detectives and your attorney, you need to collect as much data as you can for them. If you’re unsure who your hacker was, you need to save all chat room conversations, online purchase transactions, social media posts, and phone history.
Also, it’s vital to keep paper things like mail, packages, and receipts from stores you recently went to. It’s possible your hacker used this information to get into your accounts.
You should inform those who have access to your accounts and ask them for any information they might have to help you. The more you have, the better chances you’ll be able to figure out what happened.
3] Reset All Passwords and Get New Cards
To avoid this happening again or further theft, you need to update all of your security information. You’ll have to go to all of your online accounts and change the passwords. Make sure you use a strong one thatโs random and has a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
If your accounts have a security question, change them with new answers. You should also get all new credit and debit cards to ensure your hacker doesn’t use them again. This will be a lot of work, but you’ll be safer in the end.
4] Educate Your Children
Kids have a lot of freedom online nowadays, and they could be putting your information out there unknowingly. Predators are everywhere on the web and are always looking for the most vulnerable targets.
As a parent, you need to educate your children about the dangers online. Give them a list of rules they must always follow, which should include, never posting personal information, talking to a stranger, and adding photos of themselves.
If your children have access to your banking information, and can purchase items online, you also need to explain to them that these numbers should never be shared. Although we want to trust our children, it’s your responsibility to monitor them while on the web.
Use the built-in security features social media, gaming sites, and educational websites already have in place to help protect children.
The Bottom Line
Being a victim of cybercrime is a big headache and makes you realize how vulnerable you are online. These hackers are extraordinarily talented, and it’s scary thinking they got a hold of all your personal information.
When this happens to you, first contact an attorney, collect all evidence, reset all passwords, get new cards sent to you, and explain to your children about the dangers online. These steps will ensure this never happens again to you and your family.