Working out or regular exercise of any kind is, of course, essential when done in moderation, but there are some concerns you should not take lightly.
Over the course of the past couple of years, we’ve found ourselves confined to our homes or, at the very least, spending less time outdoors, and the coronavirus has played havoc with our physical and mental health.
Now things are starting to return to some level of normality, albeit with a new strain of the virus proving something of an issue; we are all keen to get back to what we love doing, and for a lot of us, that’s regular exercise.
Getting exercise, and keeping a healthy diet, are hugely important activities we should undertake daily, and it’s something we may have let go of due to the crisis we’ve had to live through, but now it’s time to get back to good habits.
Maybe you’ve started to work out more often or done more jogging than for a long period, and this could have resulted in a number of issues that are new to you. These are, most likely, nothing to be overly worried about, but at the same time, you don’t want to ignore things entirely.
Below are a series of possible issues you’ve faced, as well as suggestions on what’s causing them and what to do next.
Blurry Vision After a Workout
This is a fairly common occurrence, especially if you’ve not worked out for a while, and it is commonly related to dehydration and can be connected to your eyewear.
For instance, if you have vision issues that relate to different distances, you might want to consider progressive lenses for your sports glasses; this should prove useful and will be of great use in general use and not just when at the gym.
Blurry vision can also be connected to hypoglycemia, and if you are a diabetic, you should make sure to test your blood sugar levels regularly.
Hypotensions may also be a factor; this happens when your blood sugar falls too low, it can happen when you bring your exercise to a sudden halt. To help with this, just sit down and put your head between your knees; this will help the oxygenated blood to flow to the brain.
These issues should be temporary, but if they persist, then speak with your ophthalmologist.
Always Warm-Up and Cool-Down
Try not to go too gung ho during your spells of exercise, especially if you’ve not been too active of late. When you start your exercise, whether that’s going for a run or visiting your local gym, be sure to start with a warm-up.
Do an ample amount of stretching before you get down to it; this helps your body loosen up ahead of the beating you are about to give it.
The older you are, the more important this is. Your body needs to be prepared for the vigorous nature of your exercise, and a warm-up is entirely necessary for this.
Similarly, when you’ve completed your workout or run, you need to cool down. This means you slowly reduce the strain on your body by undertaking a more moderate type of exercise.
In other words, if you’ve completed a 10km run, spend another kilometer walking and if you’ve been in the gym, then start to reduce the level of your exercise so that when you do stop, it’s not such a pronounced change for your body to handle.
Stay Hydrated and Don’t Exercise on an Empty Stomach
Try to avoid exercising cold; maybe eat a banana or an energy snack to get your body ready for the rigors that await.
It’s never good to exercise on an empty stomach as this can cause dizziness, and frankly, your body won’t have the fuel to keep you going. Obviously, you don’t want to exercise or work out after a big meal, so there’s a happy medium to find here.
When working out or undertaking any level of exercise, be sure to drink water regularly; staying hydrated is important as otherwise you may well suffer health issues that can prove quite serious. Apart from anything else, an absence of hydration will affect the success of your workout.
Don’t Push It Too Much and Speak to Your Trainer of Doctor If You Making a Significant Lifestyle Change
Know your boundaries and stick to them. Don’t push it, especially when it comes to high-impact exercise, and always listen to your body. If it’s telling you to take a break or stop, then do so. Pushing yourself too hard can prove very problematic.
If you haven’t exercised much and you are looking to make big changes to your lifestyle, firstly, congratulations, but secondly, don’t jump into things blind. Talk to a trainer or your doctor, preferably both, before you start.
Make a plan of action and build it up in a way that’s manageable and realistic. Don’t expect to be able just to flick a switch, and you’ll just be able to take it, as that’s not how the human body works.
Get Adequate Rest and Dress Appropriately
Again, when we say don’t push it, that also relates to the regularity of your exercising. Give yourself a day or two to recover from a serious workout, especially if you haven’t exercised regularly for a while.
This gives your body a chance to recover and helps to develop a rhythm that will stand you in good stead for the long haul.
Finally, make sure to dress for the occasion. Wear the right shoes and clothing for the style and type of activity you are partaking in.