Internet Marketing Social Media

How To Increase Your Social Media Engagement

Businesses are always looking for ways to increase engagement on social media. Simply put – the more engagement a business can generate on social media, the more traffic they can direct to their website.

Ways to Improve Social Media Engagement

Improve Social Media Engagement

Strong social channels and high online sales go hand-in-hand. With that in mind, here’s how to increase your engagement on social media.

Don’t talk just about your brand

Customers don’t care about your brand as much as you do. They might love your products or services and they might like the way you do business. But that doesn’t mean they really care.

The trick is to stop asking them to. Don’t just talk about your brand all of the time on social media. Customers will get turned off and could even unfollow you. Instead, talk about the issues surrounding your brand, provide high-quality content for free, and ask questions.

Ask questions

To get customers engaged, you need to provide something for them to engage with. The best way to do this is to ask questions.

You can do this in the form of surveys or ask them to answer in the comments of a post. However you do it, you need to ensure that the questions are thought-provoking and/or fun. Don’t ask them for reasons why they love your brand.

Share of relevant content only

To show that your company’s social channels aren’t obsessed with the brand, you should share relevant content. This has two really positive effects.

First, it aligns you with other influencers and voices in the industry. Secondly, it gives customers a strong reason to engage with your brand. If they know that you consistently share interesting content, they will want to follow your page.

Personalize your response

One of the biggest advantages of social media is that it provides an opportunity to engage with your target audience. However, many businesses miss the mark by failing to personalize their responses. Every time you interact with a customer, you should address them by name. This will help customers see the personality behind the brand.

Use emoticons to convey meaning

A lot of meaning can get lost in the text. If you are trying to be sarcastic or funny, it can seem disingenuous. To prevent this from happening, you should use emoticons to convey meaning.

Learn the most commonly used emoticons by your audience and implement them into each post. This is a great way to show a lighter side to your brand and avoid any awkward misunderstandings.

Make your posts visual and fun with images and GIFs

The use of images and GIFs really depends on your brand image. It makes total sense for some brands to use fun images and GIFs. However, if a funeral director started posting GIFs, it would be totally inappropriate.

You’ll need to gauge this one carefully. However, if you’re trying to display a lighthearted and fun brand image, this is a great way to improve engagement.

Add hashtags to your posts

Learning to use hashtags properly is essential to increasing engagement on social media. Hashtags have two main benefits. Firstly, they make posts more interesting to read and help convey the meaning behind the post. Secondly, they help your post appear in appropriate searches. This will help more people find your company’s social pages.

Get customer feedback through the use of polls and surveys

Customer research is complicated and expensive. However, if you have a strong audience on social media, you can use polls and surveys to find out what people think of your brand. This isn’t something you should do too often but it can be a great way to find out about specific customer behavior and it also drives engagement.

Run contests

Everyone loves free stuff. That’s why you should run contests to drive engagement. Online casinos like use this tactic to great effect. They offer free credit in return for a like, share, or comment. This increases engagement and helps you grow your audience.

Posting frequently and at the right time

To increase engagement, you need to post regularly and at the right times. This tells the social media algorithms that your page is active and relevant.

Find out when your customers are most active on social media and make sure you post during this time. To ensure consistency, you should use a social media tool to plan content months in advance. Then, you know that your social channels are being kept up to date.

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About the author

Sophia Britt

My name is Sophia and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I offer real world experience to readers on how to save and smartly spend their money. Plus offer advice on organization, career, business, travel, health, home, education and life.

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