The SAT is a very essential test for those planning on attending college. You cannot afford to ignore or neglect this test. Learning the best ways to prepare for this test is extremely important as this is a key determiner on whether you will achieve the right scores to get you into your dream school.

A common mistake students make is to start preparing only one week before the test day. Lack of adequate preparation can lead to test anxiety among students which is one of the reasons some fail in this test.
Before you begin studying for your SATs, you need to decide how you’re going to approach your test prep and also learn about the best test strategies which will help you do well on the exam.
If you aren’t sure how to get started, don’t worry! Below are some of the easiest ways you can get started on your SAT studying.
1] Personalize Your Prep
It’s necessary to individualize any plan to suit your demands. SAT tutors and courses are created by professionals, but you have expertise in you as well. All the guidelines provided in this article need to be looked at with a perspective of modifying them to suit your requirements.
For instance, if you have to study three times on a daily basis for a shorter period of time instead of studying everything in a single evening, then that is how you should plan your SAT prep time. If the opposite works for you, then go ahead. It’s essential to focus on what works best for you.
If you know that self-studying is a difficult thing for you, then don’t be afraid to look for a professional SAT tutor to help guide you.
Having a tutor who listens to your personal strengths, weaknesses, concerns, and learning style is very important. Once you’ve found the right program for you, then your tutor can help motivate you and keep you on track for your study schedule.
2] Leave Plenty of Time to Study
If you are looking to do well on this test, then the most appropriate amount of time for study is three months. If you are after something substantial, you may even think of extending the timeline from three to six months.
This means you should be aware of the goals you are aiming to achieve six months prior to the test. You will need to utilize your time properly and take the necessary preparation steps to help you realize your set goals.
If you aren’t sure what your goals should be, try looking up the admission stats to a couple of the schools you’re thinking of applying to. This will help you understand what the average scores are and what the competitive scores are so you know what you should aim for.
3] Do What You Can With What You Have
It’s good to do something rather than doing nothing. For instance, if your study time is less than three months, then it’s advisable to utilize the remaining time properly by working extra hard in the time you do have.
If it becomes difficult for you to take a practice exam in one sitting due to disruptions, you should think of taking it in several sittings. It can be difficult to find the “perfect” study conditions, but just do your best with what you have available.
4] Don’t Cram
Cramming is not a good idea. Cramming makes one feel like they are retaining a lot of content, but in the long-term most of the content vanishes from your memory.
Instead, try to prepare for the SAT several times a week and review what you remember. You will find out how simple it is to study when you are trying to remember the information you took time to learn.
When doing your test preparation, it’s recommended to study for only three hours a day. After this period your body gets tired and you won’t be able to grasp the most important concepts.
Breaks are necessary to give yourself time for the information you have studied to sink in. That’s why it is important to take breaks when studying multiple times during the day and throughout the week.
1 Comment
Good post guys!