Online digital marketing is one of the areas that can’t be ignored in modern world. It’s important for both small and huge companies to respond on clients’ requests and moods and tell the brand’s story in a unique and inimitable way.
Online Marketing Tools for Small Business

Our century can be blessed as modern technologies make it possible to say exactly which methods work and which one are better not to use anymore. It was absolutely impossible if we talk about traditional channels like TV or radio where the results are hardly predictable and cannot be related to the campaign one launched.
One more advantage of online marketing is that complicated methods are not necessary to be created as simple ideas can change the market significantly.
We have taken into account the information above and created a list of best effective marketing tools that even a total newbie can implement.
1] Content marketing
This expression seems to be very fashionable in marketing world. However, there are too many realizations that can be hidden in it as video, blogpost or photo is also content.
Key difference of content marketing is that it has nothing in common with call to actions or ads related exactly with goods or services. High quality content has pleasant manner to tell the real stories that work on trust making and positive reputation.
Advice: be flexible, retell your story the way to talk to different audiences. You will need some extra help like Outbrain Amplify tool to show your content in mass. There is no sense in a good idea if nobody knows it.
2] Social networks
We suppose that there is at least one of various social network is at your active use. Hey-hey, hurry up, there is no time to wait. This channel is the best one if you want to reach your clients in real time.
It’s no accident we have such a variety as all of them serve for different needs. Instagram will help to work on goods display, you can show as many photos as you can, stories and videos will make necessary accents. LinkedIN is a professional network, “serious” companies can find workers and followers there.
Advice: be in time with innovations. Having solid positions in well-known networks is not all. New markets can be conquered by your competitors while you are having extra cup of tea. Have you heard anything about Influencers on LInkedIn?
3] Mobile marketing area
There is nothing special in getting information on the way home or sitting in the bus to your friends’ city. You have a serious advantage if your website is adapted to various mobile devices. But you can do even more.
Use data you get from Facebook or similar apps registration to collect information about geographical location and, thus, get complete understanding who your clients are, what their wishes are about and when they should be carried out.
4] Retargeting
One of the most interesting tool of marketing. You will feel even more respect about it, when study researches about cost of attracting those who have already visited your website in comparison with getting absolutely new visitors.
Pixel technology is one of the most popular here. People will see ads about the goods they have considered on your website or reminder about left carts and uncompleted order.
5] Warm community building
Nowadays people are interested in seeing the brands like a real person and a simple number. Think what you can do for your clients to feel your care and genuine interest in every customer. WestJet is a perfect example here. They have made a little magic by secret fulfilling of pilots’ wishes, what can do for your audience?
What is the best online marketing tool is really a point for discussion. We suppose that you can have some questions and ideas – write us to discuss, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
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