Here is a list of 20+ Insect names in English with pictures and descriptions.
List of Insects Names in English along with Pictures & Description
The most peculiar member of the kit species is the spider. The spider has more than two eyes and eight legs. Spiders are carnivorous, eating insects, flies, and other things. Spiders create a mesh by a silk gland located on their body.
To hunt, it constructs a net. Small insects, flies, and other flying creatures get stuck in the spider’s web because it is so sticky. The spider wraps the fly in its web and fills it with an unusual liquid before sealing it up.
After a few days, the same way is consumed once more, and the spider eats its food by this technique. Since the spider lacks teeth, it suckles its food to extract the digestive juices before drinking it. A spider’s lifespan is typically between one and two years.
A butterfly is a very small and beautiful creature of colorful colors, which has been known since very ancient times. A butterfly has four wings through which it can be seen. The average life span of a butterfly is 2-4 weeks.
A butterfly cannot hear but can feel vibrations. There are 24000 types of butterflies found all over the world. It is not found in Antarctica. A butterfly lays its eggs on the leaves of the tree. Butterfly tastes everything with their feet.
It flies at a speed of 17 feet per hour and to fly its body temperature should be 29ยฐC. Butterflies also suck the juice of flowers. Butterfly has 6000 lenses in its eye, due to which they can see ultraviolet rays.
The animal that is most prevalent on earth is the mosquito. About 200 million years ago, mosquitoes first appeared on Earth. The number of mosquito species exceeds 3000. There are two eyes, two legs, and a pointed trunk on mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes consume both human and animal blood as food. Mosquito bites are the primary source of most human infections. Serious illnesses brought on by mosquito bites, such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya, etc., result in more human fatalities.
Mosquito populations grow incredibly quickly. The female mosquito produces 300โ400 eggs at a time, which hatch into mosquitoes after 8โ10 days.
Male mosquitoes only live for 15 days, whilst female mosquitoes live for 45 days.
One of the tiniest animals on the planet is the ant. There are more than 12000 different species of ants around the globe. Ants have two eyes, two antennae on their head, and six legs.
They don’t have ears; instead, they use their head’s antennae and the earth’s vibrations to hear. Ants breathe through minuscule holes drilled all over their body; they don’t even have a nose.
It is a herd-living, gregarious animal. Ants always move in a straight path, and as they move, they exude a unique fluid that the rest of the ants imitate. In a herd of ants, there is a queen ant, and all the ants must follow her instructions. Ants typically live over 30 years on average.
Bees provide us with honey. Honey has several health benefits and is packed with nutrients. Swarms are how bees prefer to live. A member of the insect family is a bee. Bees build hives and occupy them.
A queen bee, military bees, and worker bees make up each swarm. Wax is used to make the beehive. Apiculture is another name for beekeeping. Bees gather floral nectar and use it to manufacture honey.
Bees are naturally diligent creatures. Methanoic acid is found in bee stings.
A continuously reproducing Arthropoda creature is the cockroach. Most often, kitchens and eating areas are where you can find cockroaches. The digestive tract and alimentary canal of the cockroach are fully formed.
The cockroach’s long, slender body has a flattened surface from the base. Their body is colored brown and crimson. The nocturnal cockroach inhabits warm and occasionally chilly environments.
The planet is home to a variety of locust insect species. One type of “Grasshopper” bug is the locust. Insects called locusts are primarily found throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa.
The primary species of grasshopper entering India is one found in the desert. The name of this grasshopper is the desert locust. Adult grasshoppers are better at flying. These insects have a vast range of sustained flight.
The grasshopper can travel 200 kilometers in a day thanks to its incredible speed. The locust insect is an elongated insect that can grow to be up to 7 cm long. The locust attacks in large swarms, and these swarms, which include billions of locusts, can cover large distances.
An earthworm’s body is divided into between 100 and 120 segments. The interior segmentation of its body matches the outward segmentation. Its front end contains a few similar portions that are split into two or three parts by outside lines.
As a result, a part is split into two or three sub-sections. Only outdoors can you find the lines that separate the portions into smaller sections. There are no subsections in the inner parts. The body’s first section contains the earthworm’s mouth. It has a crescent-moon appearance. It is a long, circular, copper-colored worm that crawls across soggy earth on days when it has rained.
Arthropods include millipedes in their category of creatures. Although millipedes have combined eyes, their vision is so poor that they can distinguish between light and dark.
There are certain millipede species that don’t have any eyes at all. Living in tunnels are species without eyes. It’s interesting how dark-colored variations are found in tunnels or in the shadows. There are over 8000 different species of millipedes known to exist. Only roughly 3000 of these have accurate information.
Fly is a common bug that may be found practically anywhere. The membranous wings of the black and brown flies are present. Since ancient times, humans have coexisted with flies. Flies prefer to reside in filthy environments.
They eat rubbish and other rotting inorganic materials as food. The fly is in charge of infecting people with diseases. At one time, the female fly can deposit more than 100 eggs.
The female fly chooses a filthy area to lay her eggs. These eggs develop into larvae over the course of a few days, and then become flies. A fly has a life expectancy of 3โ4 weeks on average.
An example of a kit is a snail, which is most frequently seen near water and the sea. Nearly every continent on earth is home to snails. Snails come in three varieties: those that dwell in water, those that live on land, and those without shells.
The snail’s entire body is silky, and its tongue resembles a ribbon. The common snail has a hard shell covering its soft body. Their sensitive body is shielded by this tough exterior.
The snail covers its entire body in this thick shell whenever it senses danger. Fruits, leaves, plants, and soil are the main sources of food for these animals. One of the slowest animals on the planet, snails can barely cover 45 meters in an hour.
Worms called crickets are also referred to as “house crickets.” Nearly every continent on the planet is home to house crickets. This worm is raised and consumed as food in nations like China and Japan.
This kit is produced on a huge scale in various nations. House crickets can grow up to 20 mm in length and are often brown or dark in color. In frigid climates, house crickets cannot survive.
Bedbugs are either red or brown in hue. There are bedbugs in every country. A parasite, bedbugs eat blood to stay alive. It ingests any warm-blooded mammal’s blood. They eat primarily this.
Most bedbugs ingest blood from humans. Bedbugs frequently only exist around people or animals. in order to avoid any difficulties when consuming blood. That explains why bedbugs are near bedding or clothing. Most often at night, bedbugs ingest blood.
The bedbug resembles an egg in appearance. When fully grown, they can reach a length of 7 mm. The six legs of bedbugs. On its head, it possesses a structure like an antenna.
The size of a sesame kernel, head lice are little insects. They bite the scalp to draw blood and dwell in the hair. They can’t fly. they can run, but they can also jump. This makes them difficult to locate in the hair.
The lice’s eggs are known as nits. They appear to be Dandruff that is yellowish, white, or brown. Head Lice use a to attach their eggs to hair shafts. water-resistant “glue.” Eggs are laid nearby. to the head, Search for eggs behind the back of the ears and the neck. such eggs cannot be removed by brushing or washing the hair. They must be chosen one by one.
Insects of the Siphonaptera order include fleas. They lack wings, and their mouthpieces are designed specifically for piercing flesh and sucking blood. Fleas are external parasites that obtain their food by drawing blood from birds and animals.
Several fleas are feline flea (Ctenocephalides felis), pet flea (Ctenocephalides canis), Animal flea (Pulex irritans), and Regional Rat Flea (Nosopsyllus fasciatus). Fleas come in more than 2000 different species, according to global knowledge.
Termites are tiny insects that can frequently be discovered in the crevices of old doors, windows, or home walls. They consume wooden objects like furniture and other wood products.
It is quite dangerous to have these termites within the home. Although termite outbreaks occur throughout the year, they spread more quickly during the wet season. It spreads swiftly on paper, just like it does on wooden objects like doors, windows, and furniture.
Termites mix their saliva with slightly moist dirt to create their colonies. Their saliva contains a liquid that dries out in the sun and solidifies to form a powerful substance. As a result, termites are located in or near damp areas of the soil.
An eight-legged arthropod is a scorpion. The scorpion has a long, flat body. The head and the abdomen are the two sections that make it up. Four sets of legs and additional appendages are on its head.
The scorpion’s lower end has a sting that is still affixed to the venom gland. The chitin outer skeleton protects its body. Its head is home to two eyes. On the sides of the head facing the front, it possesses two to five pairs of eyes.
Except for Antarctica and New Zealand, practically all continents are home to scorpions. The Orobrothiurus Huascaran scorpion, which was discovered at a height of 4910 meters, is the highest altitude scorpion ever discovered in Peru.
There are two different kinds of fireflies, a male and a female. The female firefly lacks wings, which prevents her from flying, while the male firefly does.
The female firefly produces light by sitting still, while the male makes light while flying. Eggs are laid in the tree’s bark by the female firefly. The luciferase protein, not phosphorus, is what gives fireflies their shine.
Green, yellow, and red make up a firefly’s glow. Under the skin of the firefly’s belly are some of these light-producing organs. These firefly organs contain a substance that, when in contact with oxygen, emits light.
In Hindi, a caterpillar is also known as Kamala, Jhanjha, or Illi. They often feed on green leaves and are found on tree leaves. The majority of the time the caterpillars are eating their husbands.
The caterpillar uses tiny holes hewn into his lower body to breathe rather than using his mouth. A caterpillar’s body is a collection of tiny muscles. They move because their muscles contract, which causes the blood to flow forward.
The body of the liver has a cylinder-like shape. Caterpillars are naturally covered in vivid hues, which shield them from predators. Some caterpillars consume insect eggs, while others consume manure.
Red Velvet Mites
The brilliant red color of red velvet mites, which are earthworms, makes them stand out. They sit and are thought by some to be spiders. In several regions of North India, they are known as “God’s old lady,” “Budhi Mai,” “Queen Keeda,” “Sadhav Bav,” and “Pattu Papati,” among other names.
You can see in Rajasthan, they are called “Budhi Mai.” In Chhattisgarh, they are known as “Queen Keeda.” It is called “Teej” in Haryana. Veerbahooti is an additional name for it.