Medical Schools emphasize heavily on IQ tests and their scores in their admission processes. There is an excessive focus on IQ in medical schools especially in the United States.
IQ tests attempt to measure the intelligence of a person. The results are usually based on the value obtained via written tests. The field of medicine has a long history of relying on IQ tests in the admissions and assessments of the candidates.
How is IQ measured?
With the advancements in the field of intelligence, researchers have developed a large number of IQ tests. Every field selects the tests according to its requirements. There are suitable IQ tests available for every age group.
There is a general way to measure the IQ score. To calculate the IQ score, the mental age of the candidate (assessed through the test) is divided by his or her chronologic age and is further multiplied by 100. For example:
Medical IQ tests, generally, focus on a candidate’s familiarity with the medical facts and terminologies. It includes various medical conditions and the candidate is asked to make the right choice among the options given below each question.
Low IQ VS High IQ
Generally, People having IQ scores above 160 to 179 are considered to be extremely gifted. IQ scores ranging from 145 to 159 are considered good while IQ scores between130 to 144 are considered moderate.
The research has identified few signs of love IQ (<20). Such people find it extremely difficult to remember things. They have a prominent delay in almost all areas of their lives. They are not capable of taking care of themselves. People having such a low IQ score may also have certain cognitive disabilities and they need close supervision and attendantโs care.
Is IQ in Medicine overrated?
According to research, the average IQ of a medical doctor is around 120 to 125. It can vary between the doctor and paramedic staff. Some doctors also have IQ scores near 85. But, the average IQ score for an effective doctor is considered to be 120 to 125.
Research has shown that IQ is not the only factor measuring the efficiency of medical staff including doctors, pharmacists and paramedic staff. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) also holds a prime importance. It is also a great factor in being a successful and efficient doctor.
Medicine has overemphasized IQ and underemphasized an important factor of EQ. No doubt, IQ is important to assess critical information and to manage complexity but it is revealed that success in medicine is also dependent on emotional intelligence.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is not restricted to factual knowledge and the ability to use logic. It is the capacity to organize, assess and regulate oneโs emotions. An emotionally intelligent person is one who knows how to differentiate between various feelings and manage the emotions efficiently to adapt according to the required situation.
Emotional intelligence is an important factor to achieve the desired goals. Those who master their emotions can regulate the conditions according to their desires because they do not let any situation overpower their emotional strength.
Five Key Attributes of EQ
Emotionally intelligent individuals have a high degree of self-awareness. They are keenly aware of how they are feeling in the given moment. They have the awareness regarding how they are dealing with the people around them. Self-awareness allows them to make wise decisions bringing the right results.
Emotional intelligent individuals have the ability to control their emotions and do not let them overpower their intelligence. Some people have the ability to control how they feel and they know how to eradicate negative emotions that can bring them negative consequences.
Practicing self-regulation is very important. Through self-regulation, individuals can learn to be more calm and confident in their actions.
The third attribute of emotional intelligence is motivation. High EQ brings an increased level of motivation in an individual. Such people have the potential to excel in almost everything they do. They always look for the room to improve themselves. They always keep striving to become the best version of themselves.
Empathy is what makes us humans. With emotional intelligence always comes empathy. Empathy is about showing compassion and concern about other peopleโs sufferings. Empaths are soft creatures who always stand with the people at their difficult times. They have the capacity to put themselves in the shoes of others in order to understand their problems.
Social Skills
People with high emotional intelligence demonstrate great social skills. They are easy going people. Social skills are easy to approach and communicate with. They collaborate well with their peers and colleagues. It is also seen that they have the ability to perform leadership duties very well.
Relevance of EQ in Medicine
Even though having updated knowledge is a great requirement to become a good doctor. But, no one can ignore the importance of emotional education. If a doctor can handle the job emotionally, he or she can be more successful in performing his or her work responsibilities.
Doctors having high EQ can understand and socialize with the patients more. They can empathize with them effortlessly. In this way, they can also help the patients to recover comfortably.
Research has identified that there is a need to take measures to enhance emotional intelligence in medical studies. Curriculum of the medical students must be designed in such a way that it can include emotional education.
Having high levels of IQ is important in medicine but the relevance of EQ should not be neglected. A doctor needs to be emotionally intelligent as his/her work involves a high degree of pressure.
Doctors need to be smart not just intellectually but also emotionally. Self- awareness, self-regulation, empathetic behavior, higher motivation and great social skills are such attributes that are highly relevant in the profession of medicine.
Research studies claim that the doctors of the 21st century must have three abilities: To effectively lead, coordinate the required behavioral change and the ability to negotiate with the patients and other staff efficiently.