Jobs & Careers

Professions of The Future: What Are The Prospects For Students?

The technology market is constantly evolving, and with it, new in-demand professions are emerging. Mental labor begins to outnumber physical labor in terms of demand. It seems impossible to keep up with such progress, but this is not the case.

You can roughly guess which professions will be relevant in the next 5 years. Therefore, you can start mastering them today so that you can become a sought-after professional.

Professions of The Future

What skills are on trend?

Technology has become an integral part of everyone’s life. In the near future, they will be introduced into absolutely all spheres of human existence.

Therefore, there is a growing demand for IT and all the sciences related to it.

In the field of education, developers are already working on computer bots that will help students study. Frequent requests from students on the Internet about getting help with homework also contributed to the development of virtual assistant writers, who were trained by experts.

But while this is all in development, professional companies such as WriteAnyPapers provide “write an essay for me” help to students.

However, it is critical to consider the human factor. The reason for this is simple: robots will not be able to replace teachers or doctors anytime soon. Furthermore, because robots are not rewarded with imagination and it is beyond their capacities, creative people will always be able to find work.

Here is the list of skills that you need to master in order to be on trend.

  • Programming knowledge.
  • Skill in working with AI.
  • Ability to communicate with clients.
  • Multiculturalism.
  • Working under uncertainty.
  • Installation and maintenance of communications between related objects.
  • Management of project activities.
  • Ecological orientation in the understanding of the world around us.

Another important skill is the knowledge of a foreign language, or more precisely, several languages. If you count on a good job, the level of English should be Upper-Intermediate.

The larger the company, the higher your income, because international companies cooperate with other companies, for negotiations with which they need people with knowledge of the language.

Promising professions in the near future

Robotics Engineer

Such specialists are involved in robot maintenance, software development, and construction. There are several directions: robots in medicine, industrial, games, and so on.

This direction is very promising and will suit people who specialize in mechanics, programming, and electronics.

3D Reality Architect

This profession combines programming, design, neuropsychology, and psychophysiology. Soon we will be able to visit virtual reality for various needs. The same with architecture.

Although VR technologies are still in the development stage, available technologies are already on the market. It is also one of the promising professions of the future.


There is a mixture of nano- and biotechnology. Such a person is developing ways to introduce artificial materials and interfaces into living systems.

In the near future, such developments will save lives, because doctors will be able to perform high-precision diagnostics, fight bacteria and viruses on a nano-level, and deliver drugs to the exact spot in the human body.

Trend watcher

This profession is a kind of mixture of a PR manager and a marketer. A trend watcher is involved in tracking, predicting new trends in market demand and evaluating competitors’ offerings. The data obtained will then be used to develop a new product and rebrand existing products.

ICO analyst

The cryptocurrency market is constantly changing, so we need specialized analysts who evaluate the attractiveness of tokens and predict the development of the economy and demand.

This profession can also be combined with another one – trader.

Food technologist

The main business trend is food tech, which is engaged in the creation of new food products. For example, meat substitutes, gluten-free baked products, artificial meat. This profession appeared due to the trend for a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Employers offer high wages.

Artificial Intelligence Specialist

Thanks to the work of such specialists, robots with artificial intelligence begin to recognize objects and images, answer questions, and make independent decisions.

Already now, these developments can be found in many business niches. For example, voice assistants, loan application processing. And most importantly, the demand for this profession is only growing.

Drone operator

Drones are used for reconnaissance, security systems, maintenance of pipelines, and technical control. There are already attempts to replace humans on dangerous missions and to deliver small loads.

The operator develops the drone’s path, works out the map, performs maintenance, and can manually control it.

IT Evangelist

The name of the profession sounds strange. But in fact, this specialist is engaged in the PR of the IT direction and promotes them to the masses.

That is, in addition to understanding these technologies, you also need the ability to sell, persuade and teach. In addition, a person must have a charismatic personality, and be able to convince uninterested people in the need to use new technologies.

What professions are still trending

There are many such professions. These include doctors, cosmetologists, programmers, engineers, and logisticians. At the moment, it is rather difficult to robotize their work, so they remain and will remain a priority.

To be in demand as a specialist, it is not enough to be a professional in only one field. You need to expand your specialization and then you can easily find the job of your dreams.

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About the author

Blossom Smith

Hi there! I’m Blossom. I enjoy the simple things in life – a walk through the woods, a cozy blanket, a tasty meal or a good book. When I got married 13 years ago, I was truly clueless in the realm of homemaking.

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