Health & Fitness

How Do Slip and Fall Accidents Happen In Grocery Stores?

Grocery stores are one of the most common places for slip and fall accidents to occur. When someone does fall, the store could be held liable if they caused the accident through inaction. Depending on the circumstances of the fall, the injured person could be seriously injured and may require emergency medical services after the accident.

Slip and Fall Accidents Happen In Grocery Stores

What are Slip and Fall Accidents?

Slip and fall accidents are those in which someone falls because of a hazard on the floor. This can occur inside the grocery store or on the store’s property and there are many different reasons why a customer or employee may fall.

Those who are injured in this type of accident can start their case against the grocery store by contacting Abels and Annes P.C. right away.

Spilled Liquids

Wet floors are the most common reason for someone to slip and fall. Grocery stores must clean up any spills immediately after they occur. If this is not possible, the area must be blocked off until it can be cleaned to prevent someone from walking on the liquid, slipping, and falling.

Uneven or Damaged Flooring

Uneven or damaged flooring inside the grocery store does constitute a hazard. Many people are pushing a grocery cart and will not notice the uneven or damaged flooring in time. Any areas like this may require larger repairs to fix, so the area will need to be blocked off to prevent people from walking through it before the problem can be fixed.

No Warnings for Hazards

If there are any hazards inside the grocery store, warnings should be in place to keep customers out of the area. This includes not only uneven flooring or wet surfaces but also areas where there may be heavy equipment used for stocking or other items that could be hazardous to customers.

Slippery Entrances

If the weather is poor, it’s possible the entrances to the store will be wet and, therefore, slippery. Rugs at the entrance can help cut down on some of this, but grocery stores will also need to mark the floors as slippery and work to keep them as dry as possible to prevent injuries.

Issues in Parking Lots

Potholes, cracks, and other issues with the pavement in parking lots can easily cause someone to trip and fall. When someone is heading into the grocery store, they may not notice an issue like this, which means they could easily fall. Any areas will need to be blocked off until they’re repaired.

Damage to Sidewalks or Steps 

The sidewalk or walkways in front of the store as well as any steps need to be in good condition. This includes the handrails along the stairs. If any of these are damaged, it could lead to a trip and fall, which could mean serious injuries. Like with other hazards, the area should be blocked off until repairs can be completed.

Slip and fall accidents happen at grocery stores and can occur for a number of reasons. Grocery stores will want to be careful to do as much as possible to prevent these injuries.

Those who are injured in this type of accident may be owed compensation from the grocery store and could be able to work with a lawyer to make sure they receive a settlement large enough to cover all injuries or damages resulting from the slip and fall.

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About the author

Vidya Menon

Vidya is an online content developer for Justwebworld. She has a BA in English Language and Literature and an MA in Current Linguistics. She is a passionate reader, writer and researcher with a background in academic writing.

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