
Mobile Testing Via Appium Framework [Mobile Automation Testing]

Appium is a free and open-source tool for automating mobile app testing, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS, Android, and Windows desktops. Native apps are created with the iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs.

Mobile web apps are web apps that are accessed through a mobile browser (Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome, as well as the built-in ‘Browser’ app on Android).

Appium: Mobile App Automation Made Awesome

Mobile Testing Via Appium Framework

Appium is “cross-platform,” which means you can write tests for multiple platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows) using the same API. This allows for code reuse across iOS, Android, and Windows test suites.

Features of Appium

  • Appium does not require any source code or libraries from the application.
  • Appium has a vibrant and active community.
  • Appium supports multi-platform testing, which means it can run the same test cases on multiple platforms.
  • Appium supports the execution of test scripts in parallel.
  • A minor change in Appium does not necessitate the re-installation of the application.
  • Appium supports many languages that have a Selenium client library, including C#, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript with node.js, and many others.

The following are Appium’s benefits

  • Appium will allow you to write tests against mobile platforms using the same API.
  • You can write and run tests using any type of test framework or language.
  • Because Appium is an open-source platform, you can easily contribute to it.
  • Appium offers cross-platform support for hybrid and native mobile applications.
  • Appium supports JSON wire protocol.
  • Appium does not necessitate recompilation of the app.
  • Appium also supports automation testing on physical devices, simulators, and emulators.
  • Appium does not rely on mobile devices in any way.

Appium has the following drawbacks

  • Android versions lower than 4.2 are not permitted for testing.
  • Appium’s support for hybrid app testing is limited. You will be unable to test the action that allows applications to be switched from native to web app and from web app to native.
  • There is no support for running Appium inspector on Microsoft Windows.
  • Image comparison is not supported.
  • Appium takes a long time to configure for both Android and iOS.

Important concepts for Appium

In the following section, we will go over three key concepts that are fundamental to Appium’s architecture.

Client-Server Architecture in Appium

Appium is, at its core, a node.js server. A client-server architecture is used by the server. The client connects to the server to access any service hosted on the server, according to the client-server architecture. Any interaction between client and server takes the form of responses and requests.

In Appium, the client sends automation requests to the Appium server. The server processes the request in its distinct manner, which we will discuss in a moment, and then returns the test result or log files.

Appium Sessions

Every ‘testing’ activity is contained within a session. Given that Appium is a simple client-server mechanism, this is self-evident. Post requests, also known as session requests, are sent to the server by the client. These requests contain data in JSON Object format, and communication is carried out via the JSON Wire Protocol.

Capabilities Desired

On iOS and Android, Appium behaves differently. Because it is a “cross-platform” tool, a mechanism must be in place to distinguish between the two operating systems’ session requests. This problem statement was also addressed using JSON objects called Desired Capabilities.

Desired Capabilities are key-value pairs of information that differentiate the establishment of an Android app testing session from that of an iOS app. With arguments like.

  • platformName
  • deviceName
  • appPackage
  • appActivity.

The server can easily distinguish between the two operating systems.

How to use Appium

Appium on Android

Appium on Android automates using the UIAutomator framework. Android created UIAutomator as a framework for automation. So, let’s take a closer look at how Appium works on Android.

  • The Appium client (c/Java/Python/etc.) connects to the Appium Server and communicates with it using the JSON Wire Protocol.
  • Appium Server then creates an automation session for the client and checks the client’s desired capabilities. It then communicates with the vendor-provided frameworks, such as UIAutomator.
  • Then, UIAutomator will communicate with Bootstrap.jar that runs in a simulator/emulator/real device to perform client operations
  • In this case, bootstrap.jar serves as a TCP server through which we can send the test command to act on the Android device using UIAutomator.

Appium on iOS

Appium interacts with UI elements on iOS devices by using Apple’s XCUI Test API. Apple’s XCode includes the automation framework XCUITest.

  • The Appium client (c/Java/Python/etc.) connects to the Appium Server and communicates with it using the JSON Wire Protocol.
  • Appium Server then creates an automation session for the client, checks the client’s desired capabilities, and connects to the respective vendor-provided framework, such as XCUI Test.
  • For client operations, XCUI Test will then communicate with bootstrap.js, which is running in a simulator/emulator/real device.
  • js will execute the action on our under-testing application. Following command execution, the client returns the message to the Appium server with the log details of the executed command.

Mobile testing with TestGrid

TestGrid is the best tool available for automating your mobile testing. TestGrid supports both Android & iOS for mobile app testing. You can easily start testing your mobile application on TestGrid within a few clicks.

Examine Complexity

Using TestGrid’s TestOS, you will be able to analyze even the most ‘complex of the complex-est’ features of any mobile app, whether it is for Android, iOS, Windows, or any other system. The nicest part is that testing such a complicated feature doesn’t require you to know or learn anything new. All you need are a few mouse clicks and TestOS!

Reuse tests

One of the most time-consuming aspects of testing mobile app software is rewriting the same test cases for each new software. As a result, TestOS is designed for mobile automation testing in such a way that QA teams can save and reuse almost all of the tests on different versions of the app and on other apps.

Better Outcomes with Less Technical Knowledge

The main issue with software testing is that you need to learn a lot of manual coding and use a lot of tools, or you can hire people who have the necessary knowledge and skills. However, with TestOS, you can perform expert-level software testing to achieve better results without the need for ‘expert level’ technical knowledge!

Several tests within the same everything

We literally mean ‘everything’ when we say ‘everything.’ With the same dashboards, environment, and tools, you can perform a wide range of mobile tests, including functional testing, performance testing, operational testing, security testing, and many more… This will allow you to scale your testing business quickly and smoothly.

Run tests whenever and wherever you want

When you ‘feel’ like doing something, you can do it more efficiently and save time, and the same is true for testing. And, to match your feelings, you don’t have to be in your office or carry your laptop to run test cases. Simply log in to a cloud server and begin running hundreds of tests whenever and wherever you want.

Reduce Expenses and Increase Profits

Automation with TestGrid TestOS in your toolkit will reduce the amount of work your team members must do manually to test the apps. As a result, your company can make better use of its team and devote more time to more productive and profit-generating tasks rather than tedious and time-consuming tasks.

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About the author

Sophia Britt

My name is Sophia and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I offer real world experience to readers on how to save and smartly spend their money. Plus offer advice on organization, career, business, travel, health, home, education and life.

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